Saturday, November 20, 2010

Other Project Managers :

Subsequently, I was fortunate enough to work with project managers, who were nincompoops, who faltered in everything they did. They were the ones, who just left things to take care of themselves, blissfully ignorant of the increasing entropy in the system. Very soon, projects begin to drift and appeared to be out of control. Actually, they were never really in control. The project team members neither had respect for them nor took any of their words seriously.Then there were others, who were simply brilliant. Most of the projects they handled were completed successfully. Team members just enjoyed working with them. There were many who were in between these two extremes.

But then there were some who had the world-view that Project Management is nothing but politics. They excelled in their job by manipulating resources including people. They also seemed to get the job done bypassing everything in the rule-book and inventing and living by their own rules.

There are many different ways of managing a project and the art of project management is followed differently by different folks.  I am still searching for the best combination of skills and temperament for this art. I am sure you also would have come across many project managers, some whom you would have enjoyed working with, some whom you did not like...what have been your experiences of working with different project managers?

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